Gogot Suharwoto, Ph.D.
Education and Culture Attaché

Gogot Suharwoto was born into a family of teacher in East Java. He grew up and studied in public schools from elementary, junior high and high schools in his hometown, Nganjuk and continued to earn his Diploma-III in Mathematics Education at Airlangga University in 1992.
He earned his bachelor from Teachers College IKIP PGRI Kediri in Mathematics Education as well. His master's degree was completed in 1998 at the State University of New York, SUNY New Paltz. His doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in Mathematics Education was completed at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America in 2006.
Currently, Mr. Gogot is appointed as the Education and Culture Attaché at the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul, South Korea. His main tasks are namely to manage collaboration in term of research, science, and technology between Indonesian and Korean Universities or other educational institutions, to establish Indonesian as a foreign language and to promote Indonesian culture in Korea. He was the Director of Information and Communication Technology Center for Education (Pustekkom) from 2017-2020 at the Ministry of Education & Culture before inaugurated as a Senior Instructional Designer in Teaching and Learning with Technology in 2020.
He has written several articles on Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPCK/ TPACK) at the international journals and online journals. He received the National Technology Leadership Internship (NTLI) Award in 2006 from Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator (AMTE) and Society for Information and Technology (SITE) in the United States of America. He has written several books in Education Technology and Teachers Policy. His latest book “Digital Education” was published in 2018, the role of technology as an instrument of educational transformation and the role of government in supporting digital transformation in Indonesia. He was also an editor in Chief for Journal of Education Technology in Indonesia in 2021 before taking his duty in Korea.
In term of governmental position, he started his assignment as the Head of the Data and Information, Directorate General of Teachers in 2008 with the task of managing 2,7 million data of teachers and education personnel Indonesia electronically. In November 2009, he served as Education Specialist as the Teachers for Education for All Task Force secretariat at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) headquarter office in Paris. He was assigned as Deputy Director of Planning and Budgeting at the Ministry of Education and Culture after completing his term in UNESCO Paris.